Once you have selected the appropriate standards and frameworks for your audits, you need to apply them to your audit activities. This includes planning, where you must define the scope, objectives, and criteria of your audits based on the standards and frameworks chosen. Additionally, you must identify the stakeholders, resources, and timelines involved in your audits. When executing, you need to collect and analyze the evidence and data related to your audits using the methods and tools prescribed by the standards and frameworks. You also need to document your findings and observations according to the formats and standards required. For reporting, communicate your results and recommendations to your stakeholders using the language and terminology of the standards and frameworks. Also provide supporting documentation and references to back up your claims and suggestions. Finally, follow up by monitoring and evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of your recommendations using the indicators and metrics defined by the standards and frameworks. Furthermore, update and revise your audit plans and procedures based on the feedback and lessons learned from your audits.