1Facteur 1 : Alignement avec les objectifs de l’entreprise
Le premier facteur à prendre en compte lors du choix des indicateurs de transformation numérique est leur alignement sur vos objectifs et votre stratégie commerciaux globaux. Vous devez identifier les résultats et les avantages spécifiques que vous attendez de vos efforts de transformation numérique, tels que l’augmentation des revenus, la réduction des coûts, l’amélioration de la fidélité des clients ou l’amélioration de la qualité. Ensuite, vous devez sélectionner des mesures qui reflètent directement ou indirectement ces résultats et avantages. Par exemple, si votre objectif est d’augmenter les revenus, vous pouvez utiliser des mesures telles que la valeur vie client, le taux de conversion ou la valeur moyenne des commandes.
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1. Keep it simple
2. Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound) criteria
3. Align with business goals and objectives
4. Prioritise key areas
5. Involve and engage stakeholders
6. Consider industry benchmarks
7. Prioritise a balance scorecard approach
8. Use technology and analytics
9. Balance financial and non financial metrics
10. Align with people experience (customer experience, employee experience + adoption)
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Alignment with business goals must be The Thing and the only way to make relevant changes since digital transformation goes along with business evolution. This should be part of "analyzing the current state" which is step number 1 of any new strategy creation and implementation. Only by understanding how the current state is impacting the overall organization you can define the new short-to-long-term goals (on top of the line-of-sight goals).
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While taking up Digital Transformation projects, aligning with business objectives is essential. My experience on such a journey:
1. Don't treat it as an IT project, it must be a business project facilitated by IT, needs a functional head as a sponsor
2. Don't jump to digitize as-is process, simplification of process or discovering new ways of working leads to greater success.
3. Prioritize projects and initiatives based on Business strategy and objectives.
4. Buy-in from business heads, and top management. Answer to What's in there for me?
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Very important to look at metrics from a end customer perspective. More than often have seen internal metrics defined within organisational silos wherein you meet the metrics but the business benefits are yet not realised.
Digital transformation metrics should be mainly defined at the end customer level to enhance your business and customer experience. There can be sub metric that feed into the larger end goal related to business benefits.
Especially this is relevant from defining IT metrics to support business.
Any metric that does not support business outcome , agility , end customer satisfaction etc is not relevant.
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Digital Transformation is a journey that takes years. Having a long-term vision is important. But breaking the long-term vision into smaller milestones is equally crucial. Milestones should allow for quick progress and visible results. Metrics should relate to these smaller milestones.
It’s essential to:
- Map the current state.
- Define what the metrics should be.
- Capture a baseline for those metrics.
If no data exists for a baseline, make assumptions based on knowledge for comparison. Focus on continuous improvement. Starting small with a defined baseline is vital.
Metrics can vary based on the project, industry, and organization. Some metrics may focus on revenue, while others target operational efficiency.
2Facteur 2 : Pertinence par rapport à votre secteur d’activité et à votre contexte
Le deuxième facteur à prendre en compte lors du choix des indicateurs de transformation numérique est leur pertinence par rapport à votre secteur et à votre contexte. Vous devez prendre en compte les caractéristiques et les défis de votre marché, de vos concurrents, de vos clients et de vos parties prenantes. Vous devez également tenir compte de la maturité et de la portée de vos initiatives de transformation numérique, ainsi que de la disponibilité et de la fiabilité des sources de données. Par exemple, si vous travaillez dans un secteur hautement réglementé, vous devrez peut-être utiliser des mesures conformes aux normes juridiques et éthiques. Si vous êtes dans un secteur en évolution rapide, vous devrez peut-être utiliser des mesures qui capturent les dernières tendances et préférences des clients.
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When picking the right digital transformation metrics, remember to think about your industry and its challenges, your competition, and what your customers want. Make sure the metrics fit the size and goals of your digital changes, and that you can get good data for them. Follow the rules and be ethical, especially if your industry has lots of regulations. And if your industry is changing fast, your metrics should keep up with what's happening now. Always adjust your metrics to match what's going on in your world. This way, you can track your digital transformation success in a way that works just for you.
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Taking industry and contextual relevance into account is crucial for ensuring that the metrics you select are meaningful and appropriate for your specific situation. By considering this factor, you can select metrics that not only align with your industry but also cater to your unique context, ensuring that your digital transformation efforts are focused and effective.
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Relevance of what you are doing for business is a must. There is no one-size-fits-all here.
Many times, technology or business leaders try to do things under sheer peer pressure which is not a great approach.
When we talk about Relevance, company culture, overall process maturity, adaptability and change management, organization size, and budgets, so many aspects come into play.
Outside-in views and benchmarking are good to have but ideas executions must be with all the above considerations and organization context.
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The Financial Services landscape has undergone a significant shift. It used to be that firms excelled simply by adopting automation. Now, however, *not* keeping pace with the latest in automation means slipping below industry standards. The competitive edge now lies in the effective deployment of automation technologies, rather than being one of a handful who develop a solution in house/buy something in.
I think that's a reflection on how the metrics we choose should align with these evolving standards and capture overall market positioning.
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2 simple cases from banking & insurance;
Operating in a tightly-regulated landscape (like a traditional bank)? Compliance metrics such as anti-money laundering (AML) compliance rate are your currency.
In a fast-paced, highly competitive market (like online banking)? Usage metrics like online transactions volume or app sign-ups can be your rising stock.
Or from insurance;
Working in a heavily regulated environment (like health insurance)? Then compliance metrics like claims error rates or policy renewals should be in your toolkit.
Is your market constantly evolving with shifting customer needs? Then user engagement metrics such as policy customization usage or mobile app active users can be your indicators.
Le troisième facteur à prendre en compte lors du choix des métriques de transformation numérique est leur clarté et leur simplicité. Vous devez éviter d’utiliser trop de mesures trop nombreuses ou trop complexes qui pourraient confondre ou submerger votre public. Vous devez également éviter d’utiliser des mesures ambiguës, incohérentes ou non pertinentes. Vous devez utiliser des mesures faciles à comprendre, à communiquer et à utiliser. Par exemple, vous pouvez utiliser des mesures basées sur des définitions, des normes et des formules courantes. Vous pouvez également utiliser des mesures exprimées en termes simples, tels que des pourcentages, des ratios ou des scores.
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From my perspective, clarity in metrics is key. I've seen too many projects get bogged down in complex metrics that no one really gets. Keep it straightforward – like using customer retention rates to measure engagement. Simple, clear metrics not only make it easier to track progress but also help everyone, from the C-suite to frontline employees, stay on the same page. It’s all about making data accessible and actionable for everyone involved.
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An often overlooked factor in choosing a metric is whether you have data to measure it before the digital transformation starts. I.e. can you get the baseline? Oftentimes, getting a metric calculated is a digital transformation project in and off itself.
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Expressing what success looks like in terms that everyone can understand is essential for building momentum. If they can’t understand how success will be measured they won’t be as focused on influencing the desired outcome. If success is marked in terms that everyone can understand and get behind, you will have more support and likely also will collect more insights and innovation. Keep it simple.
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One of the key issue with digital transformation is that it is often launched in excitement sans a practical implementation roadmap and logic of success. Incorporating metrics to measure progress and outcome delivered that objectively measurable and simple to comprehend makes it a lot easier to mobilize organizational support.
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Reporting for reporting sake is a waste of time.
Equally what's measured gets managed. Identify clear and simple metrics, that give your stakeholder the visibility needed. But be selected, and don't fall into the track of overcomplicating your reporting.
I have seen board packs that are pages and pages of reporting. In reality, these are rarely read.
Le quatrième facteur à prendre en compte lors du choix des mesures de transformation numérique est leur degré d’action et de responsabilité. Vous devez utiliser des mesures qui vous permettent de surveiller, d’évaluer et d’améliorer les performances de votre transformation numérique. Vous devez également utiliser des mesures qui attribuent la responsabilité et l’obligation de rendre compte à des rôles, des équipes ou des services spécifiques. Par exemple, vous pouvez utiliser des mesures liées à des indicateurs de performance clés (KPI), jalons ou cibles. Vous pouvez également utiliser des mesures alignées sur les incitations, les récompenses ou les conséquences.
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In my experience, actionable metrics are the real game-changers. I've seen projects where metrics were more about ticking boxes than driving change. It's crucial to pick metrics that directly tie into what your teams can influence and improve. For instance, in a recent project, we linked customer satisfaction directly to our digital interface enhancements. This made the team more accountable and motivated to deliver real results. In my view, if a metric doesn’t lead to action, it’s just a number!
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The actionability and accountability of metrics are crucial for driving effective decision-making and ensuring that progress is made toward business goals. By considering this you can ensure that the metrics you choose not only provide insights but also drive actionable steps and accountability, leading to meaningful improvements as part of your digital transformation journey.
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When selecting digital transformation metrics, focus on those that are both actionable and accountable.
Choose metrics that allow you to monitor, evaluate, and improve your performance in real time. It's essential to tie these metrics to specific roles, teams, or departments to foster ownership and clear accountability.
Linking metrics to key performance indicators (KPIs), milestones, or specific targets can provide structured feedback and direction.
Additionally, aligning metrics with incentives, rewards, or consequences encourages engagement and drives meaningful outcomes across the organization.
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Metrics are important, but we shouldn't focus solely on digital ones. It's essential to ask, "How will I know I'm moving in the right direction?" As transformation progresses, refining or adjusting metrics might be necessary to stay aligned with goals.
Research shows two key roles in Digital Transformation: a transformation sponsor at the top of the hierarchy and a dedicated transformation leader, such as a Digital Transformation Director or Chief Transformation Officer (CTO). The best results occur when the person leading the transformation is 100% dedicated. The Brightline Initiative report highlights the critical role of dedicated leadership in driving successful transformations.
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Your metrics should always be traceable to a certain function in your company. Otherwise how could you improve it or fix it if it's nobody's responsibility.
Also actionable metrics are important as you want to be able to do something with them for example the number of power outages...okay maybe when given a little more information you can get to the root cause and fix but if you can't or don't have influence over it then what is the point?
5Étape 1 : Définissez vos objectifs de transformation digitale
La première étape pour choisir les bons indicateurs de transformation numérique est de définir vos objectifs de transformation numérique. Vous devez indiquer ce que vous voulez réaliser, pourquoi vous voulez y parvenir et comment vous allez y parvenir. Vous devez également hiérarchiser vos objectifs en fonction de leur importance, de leur urgence et de leur faisabilité. Par exemple, vous souhaiterez peut-être améliorer votre expérience client en mettant en œuvre un nouveau système CRM, ou vous pouvez optimiser vos opérations en automatisant certains processus.
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When it comes to choosing the right digital transformation metrics, the first step is defining the outcomes you want to deliver. metrics should be designed to keep you on track with these objectives.
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Like in project management: impact analysis is very important to determine digital transformation objectives. Digital transformation means developing or executing a process with different tools include more digital framework. It is a trade off which will bring benefits together with some burdens. Most important ones are:
* Integration needs with other systems,
* Cultural resistance,
* Mitigation plan from previous system,
* Sustainability of system,
While determining digital transformation metrics, impacts of above listed 4 issues on digital transformation objectives should be kept in mind to determine right objectives. In case of need, these objectives should be changed, canceled or modified.
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When defining digital transformation objectives, it's crucial to establish metrics that are not only aligned with these goals but are also adaptable. As digital landscapes evolve, so should your metrics, reflecting changes in customer behavior, market dynamics, and technological advancements. Consider a balanced scorecard approach that encompasses financial, customer, operational, and learning perspectives, ensuring a holistic view of transformation progress and impact.
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I’ve found the use of a lean business case to be incredibly useful for assessing the impact of a proposed transformation. (And internal alignment!) Dimensions to examine include:
1. Customer experience. How will the change impact customer experience?
2. Revenue. Will the change increase sales, expand market share, or introduce new revenue streams?
3. Operational Efficiency: Will there be an impact on timing and resourcing?
4. Overall Market Competitiveness: Are there bigger impacts on innovation, speed to market, or differentiation – especially for products?
Systematically evaluating these four dimensions helps align transformation strategically with the organization's overarching goals!
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um bom diagnóstico do nível de maturidade digital da empresa ( as is) e uma boa discussão sobre a ambição ( to be) ajuda a entender o tamanho do desafio e começar a escolha das prioridades na transformação digital
6Étape 2 : Sélectionnez vos indicateurs de transformation numérique
La deuxième étape pour choisir les bons indicateurs de transformation numérique consiste à sélectionner vos indicateurs de transformation numérique. Tenez compte de quatre facteurs clés lors de l’évaluation et de la sélection des métriques. Posez-vous également des questions telles que : quels sont les meilleurs indicateurs de vos objectifs de transformation digitale ? Comment allez-vous recueillir, analyser et communiquer les données? Comment allez-vous garantir l’exactitude, la validité et la fiabilité de vos métriques ? Et comment allez-vous comparer et comparer vos métriques avec d’autres dans votre secteur ou votre contexte? Vous devez revoir et mettre à jour vos indicateurs à mesure que votre transformation numérique évolue. Par exemple, la satisfaction, la fidélisation et la promotion des clients peuvent être sélectionnées comme mesures pour un objectif d’expérience client ou de productivité, de qualité et d’efficacité pour un objectif opérationnel.
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Choosing the right metrics requires a dynamic approach. Metrics should not only reflect current objectives but also anticipate future shifts in digital strategy. Including leading indicators that can signal emerging trends or shifts in user behavior is vital. These forward-looking metrics, combined with traditional performance indicators, provide a comprehensive view, allowing for proactive adjustments in strategy. Regularly revisiting and evolving these metrics ensures they stay relevant to the ever-changing digital landscape.
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One of the most important measures is metric selection. Think of the crucial points, and make sure the indicators are in line with your goals. Develop a system of data collection that is accurate and dependable. Add "How are the measures compared to the industry standards?". Develop and revise metrics which are subject to changes while digitalization happens. Consider the example of the customer experience goals: the customer satisfaction, or productivity metrics for operational objectives. This approach of strategic direction ensures metrics to be precise and accurate, along with their appropriate position in the changing scenario of digital growth.
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It is crucial that the metrics you select are measurable and actionable. This means you should have access to data sources and tools that can collect the necessary data to calculate the metrics. Additionally, the chosen metrics should provide meaningful insights that can drive actionable decisions within your organization.
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I have usually found that you want to measure the business outcomes as well as the drivers of the performance. Don’t do only one or the other. It’s both.
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Perhaps one possible framework for new Product could be - AARM
- Acquisition : customer visit metrics thru direct hit, google search, paid search etc, cost/visit etc
- Activation: # of visits converting to activation by measuring minimum set of actions by customer
-Retention: which feature most used, frequency of visit, features used as expected etc
-Monetization: metrics to measure monetization thru various channels such as subscriptions, Ads, Search, social network etc.
Il s’agit d’un espace pour partager des exemples, des histoires ou des idées qui ne correspondent à aucune des sections précédentes. Que voudriez-vous ajouter d’autre?
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Choice between Agility and Scalability is essential for businesses. Many experts here rightly mentioned about the choice of technology as last as transformation objectives and metrics are important.
Agility and Scalability come with pros and cons, while short-term objectives & defined problems can be solved with Agility driven approach, it could be an LCNC platform, cloud-native app, or similar tech-stacks.
Digital Transformation is a journey and should not be treated as a project, with this consideration if one tries to achieve results faster, chances are bright that one may miss on long-term scalability aspects in solutions or selection of technology.
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Transformation metrics should be business metrics.
If your transformation isn’t meaningfully impacting customer satisfaction/revenue/churn/speed of delivery/customer retention etc - then what are you transforming?
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Engage Stakeholders:
Involve key stakeholders from various departments to gather diverse perspectives. Understand their priorities and concerns to ensure alignment with overall business goals.
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There are various important factors to take into account when choosing the right digital transformation metrics for your particular circumstance and sector.
First and first, it's critical to evaluate the particular needs and objectives of your sector.
Next, adjust the measurements to fit the unique environment of your firm, taking into account elements like the strategic goals and the current technical infrastructure.
Engaging the appropriate stakeholders and experts can help you gain important insights into which KPIs are most important and practical for your digital transformation process.
These metrics will stay relevant to your industry and context if you regularly examine and modify them depending on changing demands.
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Leverage data analytics tools to gather and analyze data efficiently. This can help in real-time tracking and adjustments.
Implement automation for regular reporting and monitoring of key metrics.
Look for bias in intepretation and avoid measuring 'very aspirational' metrics such as "I have a best friend at work".