Once you have chosen your format, you need to design your layout for an easy-to-read, navigate, and use event program. Consider using templates, tools, or software to create a professional and consistent look. Your cover page should include the event name, date, location, logo, and theme. Additionally, a table of contents should list the main sections and pages of your program. A welcome message can greet your attendees and introduce the event purpose and goals, as well as thank the sponsors and partners. The schedule should outline the timing, location, and description of each session, speaker, activity, and break. Speaker bios should provide the name, title, photo, and background of each speaker. A map can show the layout of your venue with the location of each room and directions to nearby facilities and attractions. A feedback form can invite your attendees to share their opinions about your event. Lastly, contact information should provide the name, phone number, email, and social media of your event organizers, staff, and support.