To design flipped classroom projects, teachers need to consider various factors such as learning objectives, project scope, student choice and voice, scaffolding and support, collaboration and feedback, and assessment and reflection. When doing so, it is important to define the learning objectives and align them with the standards and curriculum. Additionally, choose a relevant topic or theme for the project and formulate a driving question or challenge that guides the inquiry and investigation. Furthermore, plan pre-class and in-class activities that support the project phases such as research, brainstorming, planning, prototyping, testing, revising, and presenting. Allow students to choose their own learning paths and methods by providing them with multiple sources of information and resources. Give them clear expectations and criteria for the project as well as ongoing guidance and feedback throughout the process. Encourage students to work in teams or groups to facilitate their communication and collaboration skills. Assess their learning outcomes based on their products or presentations as well as their process and progress. Finally, encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences, challenges, and achievements while celebrating their successes.