Internationalization (i18n) of user interface (UI) can be managed with a variety of tools and standards. Unicode is a universal standard for encoding and representing text in different languages and scripts, covering over 140,000 characters from more than 150 scripts and languages. It also supports bidirectional text, diacritics, ligatures, and emoji. The Unicode standard should be used as the default encoding for UI text and data. Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) is a repository of locale data providing information on date, time, number, currency, and other formats for over 500 locales. It also provides translations for common UI elements such as labels, buttons, menus, and messages. International Components for Unicode (ICU) is a library that provides comprehensive and consistent support for i18n and l10n in various programming languages and platforms. It includes functions for formatting, parsing, sorting, searching, and manipulating text, dates, times, numbers, currencies, and other data types according to locale rules and preferences. ICU can be used as a dependency or as a standalone tool for UI development.