Before you start working with multiple devices, you need to check their ROS compatibility. The rosversion command can be used to verify the ROS distribution and version of each device - for example, rosversion -d will show the distribution name, while rosversion roscpp will show the version number of the roscpp package. Additionally, the rosdep command can be used to check and install the dependencies of each package - for instance, rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y will install the dependencies of all packages in the src directory. Furthermore, the roslaunch command can be used to launch and test nodes on each device - for instance, roslaunch my_package my_node.launch will launch the my_node node from the my_package package. Lastly, you can use rostopic, rosservice, and rosparam commands to inspect and interact with topics, services, and parameters on each device - for example, rostopic list will show you the list of topics, rosservice call /my_service will call the my_service service, and rosparam get /my_param will get the value of the my_param parameter.