Once you have identified the learning needs of each student, you can use various strategies to address them and provide differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction is the practice of modifying the content, process, product, and environment of your instruction to meet the diverse and individual needs of your learners. For example, you can differentiate the content by using different sources, formats, levels, and modes of information – such as texts, videos, images, audio or interactive media – as well as scaffolding, chunking or graphic organizers to help your students access and organize the content. Additionally, you can differentiate the process by using different methods, activities and tools to engage your students in learning like inquiry, problem-solving, cooperative learning or games. Furthermore, you can differentiate the product by using different types of assessments, tasks and criteria to measure your students' achievement of the learning outcomes such as rubrics, checklists or portfolios. Lastly, you can differentiate the environment by using different physical and emotional elements to create a supportive and inclusive learning space like seating arrangements, lighting, noise, temperature or classroom norms. In conclusion, differentiated instruction enables you to customize your teaching approach for each student's individual needs.