The fourth thing you need to do is to choose your light source, which is the type and direction of light that illuminates your scene. There are two main types of light sources: natural and artificial. Natural light sources are the sun and the sky, which can provide a soft and natural look, but can also change unpredictably depending on the weather and the time of day. Artificial light sources are lamps, flashes, and LEDs, which can provide a controlled and consistent look, but can also require more equipment and power. You also need to consider the direction of your light source, which can affect the shape, texture, and mood of your subject. There are three main directions of light: front, side, and back. Front light sources are placed in front of your subject, which can create a flat and even look, but can also reduce the dimension and detail of your subject. Side light sources are placed on either side of your subject, which can create a contrasty and dramatic look, but can also create harsh shadows and highlights. Back light sources are placed behind your subject, which can create a rim and silhouette look, but can also cause lens flare and underexposure.