Gravar áudio em multidões e ao ar livre pode ser um desafio para os cinegrafistas, especialmente se você quiser capturar um som claro sem ruídos indesejados. Neste artigo, você aprenderá algumas dicas para melhorar sua qualidade de áudio em diferentes cenários, como entrevistas, eventos e cenas da natureza.
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Diferentes tipos de microfones têm diferentes padrões polares, que afetam a forma como captam o som de diferentes direções. Um microfone cardioide tem um padrão em forma de coração que capta o som principalmente da frente e rejeita o som das laterais e de trás. Isso é ideal para entrevistas ou locuções, onde você deseja isolar a voz do alto-falante do ruído de fundo. Por outro lado, um microfone omnidirecional tem um padrão circular que capta o som igualmente de todas as direções. Isso é adequado para som ambiente ou conversas em grupo, onde você deseja gravar a atmosfera geral da cena.
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Buy or hire a shotgun mic rather than using the camera's internal mic. ...
Use a separate audio recorder. ...
Record in a quiet space if possible. ...
Get the mic as close to the subject as possible. ...
Record ambient sound and sound effects separately.
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There are a few ways to doing this...firstly, I'd use an external microphone in form or lapel mics to take auido for a congested crowd.
Secondly, I'd you high-end devices too like the zoom mic recorder which will be connected to a mixer if there is any and take my rich audio
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A couple great mics for crushing background noise are the Schoeps CMIT shotguns and the Sennheiser MD46 handheld. I’ve successfully used them at both Lollapalooza and next to a regional airport.
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I've been asked to 'clean up" dialog recorded in noisy environs, such as bars, restaurants outdoor crowds, etc. I usually respond with "well, you really should have contacted me BEFORE you shot, not after." But I'd suggest the following:
-never use on-board or on-cam microphones. They're too far from the speaker(s).
-If you can boom it, use a shotgun mic with a very narrow range of patter pickup (highly directional).
-Use wireless lavaliers, which can be placed on the person speaking. Don't bury it far under clothing, b/c that just presents its own problems. Don't place it too close to the chest/vocal box otherwise you'll get buzzy, tubby audio.
-use sophisticated noise reduction plugins on the post side.
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If it's specifically outside in crowds then yes, use a dead cat or wind guard on your mic whether that be condenser mic or lapel mics. This will make sure you reduce wind noise.
I would say use your headphones and monitor levels closely making sure your audio bar doesn't peak and you have enough room to raise your interviewee level in the edit as they will no doubt be speaking louder due to the crowd noise around them.
Some lapel mics can actually record a 2nd, lower level recording which can save your skin sometimes so worth checking if your mics can do that.
Um dos problemas mais comuns ao gravar áudio ao ar livre é o ruído do vento, que pode arruinar sua qualidade de som e tornar seu áudio inutilizável. Para evitar isso, use sempre um para-brisa ou um gato morto, que são acessórios que cobrem o microfone e reduzem o impacto do vento. Um para-brisas é uma capa de espuma ou tecido que cabe sobre o microfone, enquanto um gato morto é uma capa peluda que se parece com um pequeno animal. Ambos funcionam criando uma camada de ar ao redor do microfone que atua como um amortecedor contra o vento. No entanto, um gato morto é mais eficaz do que um para-brisas em condições de vento forte, pois tem mais área de superfície e densidade.
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Using a dead cat is more effective in windy areas. It’s that fluffy looking cover on a microphone. It helps cut down in the amount of wind being recorded
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Use windshields or windjammers to reduce wind noise on your microphone. It does not affect your noise quality. Well, to cut down more unwanted noise, you may want to consider the position of the mic and the area around you.
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Shooting outdoors and, especially in windy locations like the beach are TERRIBLE for sound. There are a few different tools that can be used from foam cover, furry slips (deadcats) and large foam blimps with fur coverings.
Seus níveis de áudio e ganho afetam o quão alto ou silencioso é o seu som. Você quer ter certeza de que seus níveis de áudio não são muito altos ou muito baixos, pois isso pode causar distorção ou ruído no áudio. Para verificar seus níveis de áudio, use um medidor ou monitor de forma de onda em sua câmera, que mostra o quão alto seu som está em decibéis (Db). Uma boa regra prática é manter seus níveis de áudio entre -12 dB e -6 dB, o que é considerado uma faixa segura para a maioria das situações. Se seus níveis de áudio forem muito altos, diminua seu ganho, que é a quantidade de amplificação aplicada ao seu som. Se seus níveis de áudio estiverem muito baixos, aumente seu ganho, mas tenha cuidado para não introduzir muito ruído ou assobio em seu áudio.
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In case of audio level adjust adjustment such as a transmitter and a receiver, the audio level can be adjust on both setting. In scenario where unwanted ambient sound in the surrounding, the audio level can go as low as -18 to -24. This particular setting is adjustable on both sides of the receiver and transmitter device to keep loud noise as low as possible. I some cases, lower audio input on the recording device can help cutting down loud ambient noise. It’s best to always sound monitoring as recording as there’s so many factors being in the outdoors could cause interference. There fore, it’s best to keep headphones or earphones to monitor recoding sound.
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The magical beast of 32-bit float audio is extremely helpful in unpredictable environments. With the source level set correctly it is impossible to peak or have your audio ruined. You can pull the level up or down in post and adjust to the exact level and sound desired.
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If you're not on the 32-bit float bandwagon yet and still recording audio in 24-bit, then keep your audio levels below -7db (just a rough guide, anything above that, personally, is too close to clipping).
Remember that the higher you go on your audio levels, the higher the noise floor which makes audio editing somewhat more difficult as well.
So, go with a recorder that can do 32-bit float and you'll have a better time of it all.
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➡️ Adjust Audio Levels and Gain:
1. Check Levels: Use a meter or waveform monitor on your camera to monitor audio levels in decibels (dB).
2. Safe Range: Aim for audio levels between -12 dB and -6 dB to avoid distortion or excessive noise.
3. Adjust Gain: If levels are too high, lower the gain; if too low, increase the gain, but be cautious of introducing noise.
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ஆடியோவை ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட அளவை தாண்டி அதிகரிக்கும் போது இரைச்சல் வரும். எனவே dp எண்ணும் அளவு முறையில் +9 , - 9 இதற்கு உள்ளாகவே கூட்டி குறைப்பது நல்ல ஒரு ஆடியோவை தரும்.
Use fones de ouvido para ouvir o que você está gravando e verificar se há problemas. Isso é essencial para garantir que sua qualidade de áudio seja consistente e satisfatória durante toda a gravação. Use fones de ouvido confortáveis e isole seus ouvidos de ruídos externos para que você possa ouvir seu áudio de forma clara e precisa. Monitore também o áudio usando uma entrada para fones de ouvido na câmera ou um sistema sem fio que conecte o microfone aos fones de ouvido. Dessa forma, você pode ouvir o que seu microfone está captando e fazer as correções necessárias.
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Using ear phones to monitor your gain or audio levels is very important
It can be monitored on your device also but hearing it just makes you confident of the sound you are getting.
Make sure you are using a type that can block out external sound around you at the moment
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Use headphones to monitor audio as you shoot to ensure optimal recording. If you skip this step, you could risk having poor audio. The mic could be rubbing on their shirt creating unwanted noise or perhaps the wind is being picked up or your audio isn't recording at all
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Usage of headphones to monitor your audio is important. You do not want to waste your effort when you watch the replay videos and figure out that the audio can't be heard clearly under the sounds of wind.
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Whether you're mixing or recording the biggest mistake you can make is not monitoring the audio live. Otherwise there is no ability to tell the presence [other than meters] and the quality of the audio. The best point to monitor is at the output of thew recorder, but take care not to adjust the input level based on your monitor and to always watch the meters. Another tip is to not overdrive the input. Analog audio can go a little over 0db without distorting, but digital audio must not hit 100% or it will distort.
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Sage advice from Michael Amos , even if you buy the latest 32bit floating audio, it is still in your best interest to familiarise yourself with the soundscape
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The bigger the crowed the more microphones would be required to give reference sound for later usage. If you record each mic separately you will be able to use each sound track separately or combine them to create an even better ambient track. This will all depend on what the occasion is, what access you have to the location where the recording is taking place, what is the size of the crowds, etc. Recording sound outside, and not in crowds, you can always hide the mics underneath the clothing as close as possible to the diaphragm for clear sound, it might have a bit more base but still great.
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Most of the time when people are recording interviews etc. in crowds or outdoors we try to enhance the audio to try and remove a lot of that background audio and even I'm bad for it but sometimes when enhancing (Adobe Podcast) the audio I try to enhance it like 45% - 70% because I still want that authentic feel that I am outdoors or that I am in a crowd and I find what is most important is having that realistic feel as when removing all BG noise it takes away that realistic feel.
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Sometimes you have to record audio in difficult settings, often noise is out of our control, whether it be from people, wind, or even machinery. Luckily there are some great AI tools to help isolate vocals and minimize or even eliminate background chatter. Adobe is working on one in Premiere Pro (currently in Beta as of Nov 2023) that kind of blew me away with how good of a job it did. There are other options out there as well that are changing the game for videographers and editors alike.
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In this day and age, there are tools available using AI to allow an audio engineer or mixer to rescue a poorly captured recording ... tools that can help isolate voices from background sound qith an incredible level of accuracy but it is ALWAYS important to get the BEST recording POSSIBLE in production.
Another thing to consider is that some recorders have the ability to record sounds twice at 2 different levels allowing you to fallback to a lower gain version of the file if the main file has clipped and some recorders can now even record in 32bit float making it almost impossible to clip the file (while the mic capsule can still get overwhelmed, if it doesn;t the cile won;t either).
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Life-saving tip: The clarity of your recording can be enhanced in multiple ways, For example, if you capture the background noise directly behind the interviewee with another microphone and apply a phase inversion to it, you should be able to get a crystal clear voice sample, since the noise will cancel itself out (phase cancellation). Also, AI tools are on fire nowadays when it comes to voice enhancement and noise reduction; Adobe Podcast is my personal recommendation and it will save you a lot of trouble, however, no post-processing can beat a voice that was well-captured in the fist place, never forget that.