A budget report should have a standard format that is easy to follow and understand. This typically includes an executive summary providing an overview of the event, the budget, and the key findings and recommendations. Additionally, a budget breakdown should be included, showing income and expenses of the event categorized by major items like venue, catering, marketing, entertainment, etc. To illustrate the data and compare the actual and projected figures, tables, charts, or graphs can be used. Moreover, a variance analysis should explain any deviations from the budget and how they were managed; any contingencies or reserves that were used or saved should also be mentioned. Furthermore, a performance evaluation should show how event objectives and indicators such as attendance, satisfaction, engagement, leads, sales etc. were measured and achieved; surveys, feedback forms, analytics or testimonials can be used to support these claims. Finally, a conclusion should summarize the main points of the budget report and provide suggestions or recommendations for future events.