How does quantum phase estimation relate to the eigenvalue problem and quantum simulation?
Quantum phase estimation is a powerful algorithm that can extract information about the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a unitary operator. This is useful for solving the eigenvalue problem, which is central to many applications in quantum physics and chemistry, such as finding the energy levels of a system or the molecular structure of a compound. Quantum simulation is the process of using a quantum computer to mimic the behavior of a quantum system, such as a molecule or a material, by applying unitary operators that correspond to the system's Hamiltonian. Quantum phase estimation can help quantum simulation by providing a way to measure the energy or other properties of the simulated system. In this article, you will learn how quantum phase estimation works, how it relates to the eigenvalue problem and quantum simulation, and what are some of the challenges and opportunities for using it in practice.
Brian OtienoUniversity of Oxford || Nairobi Quantum Fusion⟩
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