What valuation method is best for private equity investments?
Private equity (PE) is a form of investing that involves buying and selling companies or parts of them, often using debt and leverage. PE investors aim to create value by improving the performance, governance, and strategy of their portfolio companies, and then exit with a profit. But how do they measure the value of their investments and decide when to buy or sell? In this article, we will explore some of the most common valuation methods used by PE firms and their advantages and disadvantages.
Clive ThompsonRetired Managing Director of Wealth Management at Union Bancaire Privée UBP SA, Geneva, Switzerland. An unblemished 47…
Momen ElsadyWealth Management Expert | Financial Strategist | Advanced Options Trader
Jean-Baptiste WAUTIERWautier Family Office | Lecturer at ScPo Paris | Contributor to Les Echos & Project Syndicate | Private Investor | WEF…