Your expertise clashes with the AI model's decision. How do you navigate this conflicting territory?
When artificial intelligence (AI) and human expertise disagree, it's like two navigators arguing over the best route. You're sailing in uncharted waters, armed with intuition and experience, while AI brings a vast ocean of data and machine learning algorithms to the table. How do you reconcile these differences and make the right decision? This is a journey through the process of understanding, evaluating, and ultimately resolving conflicts between your expertise and AI's suggestions.
Understand AI's rationale:Begin by examining the AI's decision-making process. This transparency will help you identify if the AI's conclusion is based on solid data or if your expertise might catch something it missed.### *Simulate scenarios:Test the AI's decision against various hypothetical situations. This practical approach reveals how well the AI performs under different conditions, helping to highlight its strengths and weaknesses compared to your expertise.