As an Operations Research analyst, there are several popular data visualization tools that you can use, based on different factors. Excel is a widely used spreadsheet software that is easy to use and familiar to most users, but may have limitations when it comes to handling large or complex data. R is a programming language and environment that can perform sophisticated data analysis and create powerful visualizations, but it has a steep learning curve and requires more coding skills. Python is another programming language and environment that can perform versatile data analysis and create diverse visualizations, but also has a steep learning curve and requires more coding skills. Tableau is a software application that can create stunning and interactive dashboards, charts, maps, and graphs with its drag-and-drop interface, but may be expensive and require licenses or subscriptions. Power BI is another software application that can create impressive and interactive dashboards, charts, maps, and graphs with its drag-and-drop interface, but may also be expensive and require licenses or subscriptions.