Interactive content can be used to engage your target audience in product marketing, creating and communicating value in a more interactive and personalized way. It can be used at different stages of the buyer's journey, from awareness to advocacy, to help you stand out, collect data, segment and qualify leads, educate and persuade, and build trust and loyalty. For example, in the awareness stage you can create a quiz to test their knowledge, a calculator to show them the potential savings, or a video to explain a complex concept. In the consideration stage you can create a survey to collect contact information, an assessment to provide personalized recommendations, or a simulation to show your product in action. For the decision stage you can create a poll to solicit feedback, a game to reward them for taking action, or a comparison tool to highlight your competitive advantages. To retain customers you can create a tutorial to onboard them, a quiz to test their skills, or a video to showcase new features or updates. And for advocacy you can create a survey to measure their satisfaction, a contest to incentivize them to share, or a video to feature their success stories. To use interactive content effectively, it needs to be aligned with your product marketing goals, your audience's needs, and your buyer's journey stages.