After the consultation process, it is important to follow up on the results and feedback, and show appreciation and recognition for the participants. You should analyze and report the data by organizing, synthesizing, and interpreting it, as well as identifying the main themes, findings, and recommendations. Prepare a report that summarizes and presents the data in a clear and concise way, using quotes, images, or videos to highlight the voices of youth and children. Share the report with the participants for their feedback and validation, as well as with other stakeholders such as community members, partners, or funders. Explain how the report will inform your decision-making and actions, as well as what are the next steps or follow-ups. Additionally, thank the participants for their time, effort, and input. Provide them with incentives, rewards, or certificates to acknowledge their participation. Invite them to join or lead other community organizing activities or initiatives. Engaging youth and children in community consultation is not only a good practice but also a rewarding and enriching experience; thus, by following these tips and strategies you can make it more effective, enjoyable, and impactful for both you and the participants.