If you are not satisfied with the quality of the clustering results, there are several ways to improve them by tuning the parameters or modifying the algorithm of the K-means clustering. For example, you can use methods such as elbow method, gap statistic, or silhouette method to determine the best value for the number of clusters (k) that maximizes the clustering quality. Additionally, you can use methods such as k-means++, random partition, or hierarchical clustering to select the initial centroids of the clusters that minimize the chances of getting stuck in a local optimum or a poor solution. Furthermore, different distance measures, such as Euclidean, Manhattan, or cosine can be used to calculate the similarity or dissimilarity between the data points and the centroids. Lastly, different update rules, such as Lloyd's algorithm, Hartigan-Wong algorithm, or MacQueen algorithm can be used to assign the data points to the clusters and update the centroids.