A* is a popular and efficient pathfinding algorithm for game AI, combining the features of Dijkstra and breadth-first search algorithms. It uses a cost function to measure the distance traveled from the start node to the current node, and a heuristic function to estimate the remaining distance to the goal node. The algorithm selects the node with the lowest sum of these two functions and expands it until it reaches the goal or runs out of nodes. To implement A* in game AI programming, you need to define a data structure that stores information for each node (coordinates, parent node, cost function value, and heuristic function value), as well as a priority queue that sorts the nodes by their sum of cost and heuristic values. The steps are then as follows: initialize the priority queue with the start node and mark it as visited; while the priority queue is not empty and the goal node is not visited, dequeue the node with the lowest priority and mark it as current; if it is the goal node, exit the loop and return the path by tracing back its parent nodes; otherwise, for each neighbor node of the current node that is not visited or blocked, calculate its cost and heuristic values, enqueue it with these values and mark it as visited.