Once you have a shortlist of potential speakers, you need to contact them and negotiate the details. Respect their time and expertise, and don't expect them to work for free or for exposure. Be professional by having a clear proposal, a contract, and a payment process. Also be flexible and willing to compromise to find a win-win solution. The fee is the amount that you pay the speaker for their service. You can try to lower the fee by offering other benefits or ask for a discount if you book multiple speakers from the same agency or pay in advance. The scope is the extent and duration of the speaker's service. You can try to expand the scope by asking them to do more than one session or provide handouts or slides, or reduce it by limiting the time, topic, or format of the session. Lastly, you can negotiate for rights such as permission to record, stream, or distribute their session, use their name and photo for marketing purposes, or share their contact details with the audience. Respect their rights by following their guidelines, crediting them properly, or deleting their content after a certain period.