How can you use connectivism to improve your communication skills as a leader?
As a leader in education, you need to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders, such as students, teachers, parents, and administrators. But how can you keep up with the rapid changes and challenges in your field? How can you leverage the power of networks and technology to enhance your communication skills? One possible answer is connectivism, a learning theory that emphasizes the importance of connections, context, and collaboration. In this article, you will learn what connectivism is, how it can help you improve your communication skills as a leader, and some practical tips to apply it in your daily practice.
Mihaela Drăguș, PhDHead of School | Educational Leadership & HR Management | Skilled in Communication and Creative Writing
Vignesh PRAdmissions Lead @ PSG Institute of Advanced Studies | MBA, Business Administration
Dr. Haleema SadiaLeadership Development Facilitator and Sustainability Coach, Strategic Business Growth Specialist Educational Leaders'…