How can you use heijunka to overcome career obstacles in Lean Manufacturing?
Heijunka is a Japanese word that means leveling or smoothing the production flow. It is a key principle of lean manufacturing that aims to reduce waste, improve quality, and increase customer satisfaction. But how can you use heijunka to overcome career obstacles in lean manufacturing? In this article, you will learn what heijunka is, why it is important, and how it can help you develop your skills, solve problems, and advance your career in lean manufacturing.
Daniel CarvalhoMaster Black Belt LSS | Gerente de produção | Processos |Industrial | Manufatura | Melhoria Continua | Lean…
Fabio GennaroCoordenador de Melhoria Contínua | Gestão de Processos e Projetos | WCM
Marcello SoaresCEO & Founder - Labone Consultoria e Treinamentos | Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt | Renowned Lean Manufacturing &…