How do you follow up with your email recipients without being annoying or spammy?
You've sent an email to a potential client, a mentor, a collaborator, or a media outlet. You want to make a good impression and build a relationship. But you don't want to be ignored, forgotten, or worse, blocked. How do you follow up with your email recipients without being annoying or spammy? Here are some tips to help you craft effective and respectful follow-up emails that showcase your personal brand and value proposition.
Goldie ChanAward-winning Branding Expert, Author and Keynote Speaker at Warm Robots | Board Member | LinkedIn Top Voice: Social…
Leah ShinSenior Product Marketing Manager, Moonshots + Ventures @ LinkedIn | Co-Founder of Macchi Studio
Mozn Shaker AkhourshiedahPersonal Growth & AI enthusiast | Founder: Mezan Institute | Advisory Board Member at AUD School of Engineering