How do you use Kraljic's matrix to classify your suppliers?
Supplier selection and evaluation tools are essential for purchasing managers who want to optimize their sourcing strategies and reduce costs and risks. One of the most widely used tools is Kraljic's matrix, which helps you classify your suppliers based on two dimensions: the strategic importance of the purchased item and the complexity of the supply market. In this article, you will learn how to use Kraljic's matrix to identify four types of suppliers and how to manage them accordingly.
Gary Forsyth IIDirector / VP Global IT Procurement / Leader and Mentor
Geysha Tahis Castillo ZambranoConsultora en Cadena de Suministro y Compras | Ayudo a Empresas a Optimizar Costos, Mejorar la Eficiencia y Transformar…
Enrique Franco AragundiProcurement Director | Strategy & Transformation |Strategic Sourcing |Creador de contenido |Startup interna|Catedratico