How does the IMF respond to financial crises?
Financial crises can have devastating effects on the economies and societies of affected countries and regions. They can also spread across borders and trigger global instability. How does the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a multilateral institution that aims to promote international monetary cooperation and financial stability, respond to these challenges? In this article, we will explore the main tools and strategies that the IMF uses to help countries cope with and recover from financial crises.
Hamed Rezk ,MBA, CIA®, ASMEC®, CCRO, CRMP, GRCP, CCP, CLBBRegional Chief Risk Officer | Driving Growth for 200+ Companies | Executive Risk Committee Chair | Helping You Excel in…
Altaf Kassam, CFA
Kumar Jakampudi BharathIncoming Quantitative Analyst at BFR Research | Masters in Finance (STEM) - Simon Business School | Focus: Quantitative…