Writing efficient JavaSE code can be made easier with some tips and tricks for variable scope and lifetime. Access modifiers, such as public, private, protected, and default, should be used to control the visibility and accessibility of class and instance variables from other classes and packages. Local variables are faster to access and modify than instance variables, and do not affect the state of the object. Static variables should be used sparingly, as they are shared by all objects of the same class, potentially causing memory leaks or concurrency issues. The this keyword should be used to refer to the current object's instance variables when they have the same name as method or block variables. The final keyword should be used for method parameters, as they are passed by value, not by reference. The volatile keyword should be used for variables that are accessed by multiple threads, ensuring their values are always updated across all threads. Lastly, the transient keyword should be used for variables that should not be serialized or persisted.