One of the best ways to use robot vision and perception for obstacle avoidance is to combine multiple sensors, such as cameras, lidars, radars, and ultrasonic sensors, to create a comprehensive and accurate representation of the surroundings. Sensor fusion can help to overcome the limitations and noise of individual sensors, and to enhance the reliability and robustness of the obstacle detection and avoidance system. For example, cameras can provide high-resolution and color information, but they may be affected by lighting conditions and occlusions. Lidars can measure distances and shapes, but they may have low resolution and miss small or transparent objects. Radars can detect moving objects and work in all weather conditions, but they may have low angular resolution and high false alarm rates. Ultrasonic sensors can detect nearby objects and work in low-light situations, but they may have low range and accuracy. By fusing the data from different sensors, the robot can obtain a more complete and reliable picture of the environment and avoid obstacles more effectively.