What do you do if your branding initiatives are failing to engage employees?
Branding is not just about creating a catchy logo, a catchy slogan, or a catchy color scheme. It's also about creating a shared identity, a shared vision, and a shared culture among your employees. But what if your branding initiatives are failing to engage your employees? What if they don't feel connected to your brand values, your brand story, or your brand promise? How can you turn things around and boost your employee engagement through branding? Here are some tips to help you out.
Nidhi S.Top Interior Design Voice in the World | Head of Interior Design @ Nidhi's Official | 21 Years Experience
Waqqad Khan🏆Digital Marketing Strategist & Web Developer | SEO & Content Marketing Specialist | Driving Brand Growth through…
Viviane OliveiraBranding and Strategic Marketing Specialist | Brand and Communication Strategist | Customer journey and Experience |…