What do you do if your business strategy feedback and evaluation lack fairness and objectivity?
When you're faced with feedback on your business strategy that seems biased or subjective, it can be challenging to know how to proceed. Fair and objective evaluation is crucial for refining strategies and ensuring your business remains on the right track. If you suspect that the feedback you're receiving lacks these qualities, it's important to take steps to address the issue head-on, ensuring that your business decisions are based on accurate and impartial information.
Desha SetiardiMBA | McKinsey Forward | Breaking Barriers, No Limits.
Dan BanasHead of AI, Strategy & Analytics | 'Top 25 Analytics Thought Leader' | 'Top 100 Innovator' | Connector | Storyteller |…
Dr. Saleh ASHRM💡 Certified LinkedIn content creator| Ambassador | Ph.D in Accounting | Financial Manager | Accounts Manager |…