Your brand's reputation is at risk due to an influencer partnership. How can you salvage your online image?
If your brand is entangled in an influencer controversy, regaining trust is key. Here's how to start the recovery process:
- Publicly address the issue with transparency. Acknowledge the situation and express commitment to your brand values.
- Assess and adjust your influencer vetting process. Learn from the incident to prevent future misalignments.
- Engage with your community directly. Listen to feedback and take tangible steps to make amends.
How have you navigated a brand crisis? Share your strategies for bouncing back.
Your brand's reputation is at risk due to an influencer partnership. How can you salvage your online image?
If your brand is entangled in an influencer controversy, regaining trust is key. Here's how to start the recovery process:
- Publicly address the issue with transparency. Acknowledge the situation and express commitment to your brand values.
- Assess and adjust your influencer vetting process. Learn from the incident to prevent future misalignments.
- Engage with your community directly. Listen to feedback and take tangible steps to make amends.
How have you navigated a brand crisis? Share your strategies for bouncing back.
Para salvar a reputação online de sua marca após uma parceria controversa com influenciadores, é essencial adotar uma abordagem estratégica e transparente. Segundo David Aaker, especialista em gestão de marcas, a confiança é um ativo fundamental que precisa ser recuperado em situações de crise. Assim, inicie assumindo responsabilidade pelo erro, se necessário, e comunicando-se de forma clara com o público. Reforce os valores centrais da marca por meio de campanhas autênticas e ações que demonstrem comprometimento com seus princípios. Além disso, avalie futuras parcerias com influenciadores com maior rigor, priorizando aqueles cujos valores se alinhem com os da empresa, para prevenir crises semelhantes no futuro.
To salvage your online image when your brand's reputation is at risk due to an influencer partnership, it's crucial to genuinely distance yourself from problematic influencers who do not align with your brand values (e.g., an influencer who was just arrested for drunk driving). No matter how effective of a salesperson this influencer was at the time you hired them, remaining associated with someone who has been publicly proven as problematic will seriously damage the trust of your current and future customers.
1. Comunique-se com transparência: Emita uma declaração rápida e honesta, reconhecendo o problema e explicando as medidas corretivas que estão sendo tomadas. 2. Revise a parceria com o influenciador: Avalie se a colaboração está alinhada com os valores da sua marca e ajuste ou termine a parceria, se necessário. 3. Mostre ações concretas e engaje com o público: Implemente soluções reais para corrigir a situação e interaja de forma empática nas redes sociais, mostrando compromisso com a opinião dos consumidores.
When an influencer partnership risks your brand's reputation, swift and strategic action is essential. Begin by assessing the situation objectively and determining the extent of the damage. Issue a transparent statement addressing the concerns, showing accountability without overreacting. If the influencer's actions contradict your brand values, consider terminating the partnership and clearly communicate why. Reinforce your commitment to those values through positive actions, such as launching a campaign or initiative that aligns with your brand ethos. Engage with your audience directly, responding to feedback to rebuild trust. Monitor online sentiment closely and learn from the incident to strengthen future collaborations.
Start with sentiment analysis to gauge the public’s reaction in real-time. Tools like Meltwater or NetBase Quid can identify key narratives shaping the conversation. Issue a transparent statement addressing the situation promptly, as 91% of consumers favor brands that own their mistakes. Proactively shift focus by showcasing positive narratives, such as community initiatives or sustainability efforts. Partner with trusted micro-influencers to share authentic content that reaffirms your brand’s values. Monitor recovery metrics such as share of voice and engagement rate to track improvement.
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