Your colleague requests you to conceal an error. How do you decide whether to comply or speak up?
Imagine you're at work and a colleague approaches you with a request: they've made a mistake and they want you to help cover it up. It's a challenging position to be in, and your decision could have significant implications for both your career and your personal ethics. Decision-making in such scenarios requires a careful evaluation of the situation, potential consequences, and alignment with your own values. This article aims to guide you through the process of making a well-informed choice when faced with the dilemma of concealing a colleague's error or choosing to speak up.
Suresh Arunachalam Assoc. CIPDHR| HRBP | Talent Acquisition | Recruitment |Talent Management| HR Advisor | HR Generalist | CIPD-Level 7
Mario WorsleyData-Driven Leader | Proven Expert in Strategic Planning in the DoD & Corporate Sectors | Systems Engineer |…
Henrique Garcia, CNPI-T, PAAP®Partner at Eu me banco and EMB University, Miami