You're facing unexpected energy cost spikes. How do you handle a client demanding immediate solutions?
When energy costs unexpectedly spike, it can be quite the shock. Your clients rely on you for immediate solutions, and the pressure is on. As an expert in energy management, you understand that this isn't just about reducing the next bill; it's about implementing sustainable practices that will provide long-term relief. You're ready to guide them through this challenge with a strategic approach that addresses the root causes and provides actionable steps to mitigate the impact of these unforeseen expenses.
Syeda Ariba ShahidTeam Lead E&I @ PepsiCo | xEngro | E&I Reliability | Energy Management | SAP ERP | Strategic Procurement
John Lembo, CFM, LEED APVice President, Facilities Management at RiverSpring Living featuring the Hebrew Home at Riverdale
Zadok OlingaDirector at ÖLINGA | President at the SAEEC