You're preparing a motivational speech. How can you weave storytelling seamlessly without running over time?
Crafting an engaging motivational speech often involves the art of storytelling, but one of the most common challenges is integrating stories without extending beyond the allotted time. The key lies in strategic preparation and delivery. By mastering a few techniques, you can captivate your audience with compelling narratives that reinforce your message, all while keeping a keen eye on the clock.
Suhasini .Organisational Growth Leader| Customer Messaging Strategist | Strategic Value & Innovation Driver | Specialist India…
Heather HendersonPrincipal, University Talent @ Uber | Digital Well-being Expert | Speaker * Author * Blogger
Leena ZafarySpeaker / Bio Acoustic Practitioner /Researcher, NDE (Near Death Experiencer), STE (Spiritually Transformative…