How can you build a sense of community in virtual mentoring relationships?
Virtual mentoring can be a powerful way to support and develop your team members, especially in times of remote work and uncertainty. However, without the face-to-face interactions and social cues that traditional mentoring offers, it can be challenging to create a sense of community and trust among your mentees. How can you overcome this barrier and foster a strong and supportive virtual mentoring community? Here are some tips to help you.
Helane CohenDirector Americas To-Partner Communications Strategy / CliftonStrengths Facilitator and Coach
Joana Fonseca OrvalhoCareer Clarity Coach | Helping Corporate Women Gain Career Clarity and Confidently Advance Toward Success |…
Nashwa AbdelmagiedVisual Art specialist @ El Alsson British & American International Schools NewGiza | MA.Ed, iPGCE, Leadership