A user scenario is not an end product, but a means to an end. You can use it to inform and guide the design and development process of your web application, as well as communicate and collaborate with your team and stakeholders. Furthermore, a user scenario can be used as a reference and inspiration to define and prioritize requirements, features, and functions, as well as generate and explore design ideas and solutions. It can also be used as a test and validation to check usability, functionality, performance, and identify any issues or gaps. Finally, you can use it as a story and presentation to tell the value proposition, benefits, and advantages of your web application while persuading and convincing your team and stakeholders. For example, you can use a user scenario for a fitness tracking web application by using it as a reference and inspiration for designing your homepage, sign up page, questionnaire page, fitness plan page, dashboard page; using it as a test and validation for navigation, layout, content, feedback, interaction; or using it as a story and presentation to create a compelling pitch or demo of your web application.