How can you create vibrant scenes with Kodak Ektar film stock?
If you are looking for a film stock that can capture vivid colors, fine details, and high contrast, you might want to try Kodak Ektar. Ektar is a color negative film that has a low ISO of 100, which means it needs a lot of light to produce optimal results. In this article, you will learn how to use Ektar to create vibrant scenes in your film production, and what are some of the advantages and challenges of working with this film.
Matias JofreLighting & Electrical Project Manager - / - Amateur Photographer, Music producer & Economist.
Klayton Berry 🎬I turn videos into 24/7 lead-generating machines for businesses.
Aayush AgrawalFounder & CEO at Pranah Sandbox | Ex Disney, Ex Sony Pictures | Award Winning Executive Producer (Film, TV, OTT) |…