How can you leverage product metrics and KPIs to identify new market niches?
If you are looking for new ways to grow your business, you might want to consider how product metrics and KPIs can help you identify new market niches. Product metrics and KPIs are quantitative measures of how well your product performs, meets customer needs, and generates value. By analyzing and comparing them across different segments, regions, and channels, you can discover untapped opportunities, unmet needs, and potential improvements. In this article, we will show you how to leverage product metrics and KPIs to identify new market niches in four steps.
Matheus .CEO at Hydronorth S/A; Head of Innovation; Angel Investor; Family Officer Manager
Renato Donizeti da Silva - CRC Ativo - Contador / Especialista Contábil / Controladoria / GerenteContador | Accountant | Controladoria |Controllership | Surpervisor | Coordenador | Gerente Contábil | Contabilista |…
Craig ZingerlineSix-time founder helping companies grow with strategies that advance product adoption & revenue.