Using HTTP and REST for microservices requires designing each service as a web service that follows the RESTful principles. This includes having a well-defined interface that exposes resources and methods using HTTP URIs and verbs, as well as communicating with other services using HTTP messages that contain the data and the links of the resources. For instance, a microservice managing orders may have an interface such as GET /orders: Returns a list of orders, POST /orders: Creates a new order, GET /orders/{id}: Returns a specific order, PUT /orders/{id}: Replaces an existing order, PATCH /orders/{id}: Updates an existing order, and DELETE /orders/{id}: Deletes an existing order. A response from the GET /orders/{id} method may look like this: { "id": 123, "customer": "Alice", "items": [ { "product": "Book", "quantity": 2, "price": 10 }, { "product": "Pen", "quantity": 5, "price": 1 } ], "total": 25, "status": "Pending", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/orders/123" }, { "rel": "cancel", "href": "/orders/123/cancel" }, { "rel": "pay", "href": "/orders/123/pay" } ] }. All of these details are essential for informing and reassuring stakeholders, as well as providing valuable insights for improving cloud security posture.