To use impact measurement for innovation, a systematic and iterative approach is required which involves four steps: define, measure, learn, and act. Firstly, you must clarify your vision, mission, and theory of change, and set your impact goals and indicators. Additionally, you need to map your stakeholders and understand their expectations and needs. This will help you focus your efforts on the most relevant outcomes for your community. Secondly, it is necessary to collect and analyze data that shows the changes that your activities produce in your target population and context. Surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, case studies, or experiments can be used to gather quantitative and qualitative data. You also need to establish a baseline and a counterfactual to measure your attribution and contribution to the impact. Thirdly, you must interpret and communicate your data and findings to generate insights and recommendations for your innovation process. Lastly, you need to use the learning to make informed decisions and actions that will enhance your innovation process. You must ask yourself questions such as: What are the changes that you need to make in your strategy? How can you scale or replicate your impact? How can you communicate and share your impact with your stakeholders?