The fourth and final step is designing and delivering marketing messages to audience segments, based on their brand awareness and associations. You can use different channels, formats, and tones to communicate with your audience, depending on their preferences and behaviors. The goal is to create positive and memorable impressions of your brand, and to influence their purchase decisions and actions. For example, you can use awareness campaigns to increase visibility and recognition among unaware or skeptical segments. Mass media, social media, or influencer marketing can be used to highlight a brand name, logo, slogan, or unique selling proposition. Engagement campaigns are for building trust and interest of aware or familiar segments. Content marketing, email marketing, or event marketing can be used to provide useful information, entertainment, or experiences related to a brand and its offerings. Conversion campaigns stimulate desire and action of familiar or interested segments. Direct marketing, online marketing, or sales promotion can be used to offer incentives, discounts, or guarantees to encourage people to buy or try a brand. Loyalty campaigns are for retaining and rewarding loyal or advocate segments. Loyalty programs, referral programs, or customer service can be used to acknowledge, appreciate, and delight customers for repeat purchases or referrals. By segmenting and targeting your audience based on their brand awareness and associations you can create more effective marketing strategies that align with their needs, preferences, and expectations. This will help enhance your brand image, reputation and value while achieving your marketing goals and objectives.