How do you use core analysis data to assess exploration targets?
Core analysis data is a valuable source of information for oil and gas exploration. It provides insights into the physical and chemical properties of rock samples, such as porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, and mineralogy. These parameters can help you evaluate the reservoir quality, productivity, and potential of different exploration targets. However, core analysis data is not always easy to obtain, interpret, or apply. In this article, you will learn how to use core analysis data to assess exploration targets in a systematic and effective way.
Mahiout SaidSenior Petrophysics (Studies, Operations & Surveillance) | Geoscience | Oil & Gas | Logging While Drilling (LWD) |…
Ashwith KyathamSenior Reservoir Engineer at ONGC
Merlin Lukose, P.Eng.Reservoir Engineer @ Cenovus I Reservoir Engineering I Asset Development I Integrated System Modeling I Data Analytics