Struggling to innovate within your IT team?
Are innovation hurdles holding your IT team back? Share your strategies for overcoming these challenges.
Struggling to innovate within your IT team?
Are innovation hurdles holding your IT team back? Share your strategies for overcoming these challenges.
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Foster a learning culture, embrace risk-taking, encourage cross-team collaboration, reward innovation, use agile methods, and provide modern tools for creativity.
Já presenciei cenários onde a inovação em TI foi bloqueada por processos rígidos e resistência à mudança. Acho interessante considerar três estratégias que podem desbloquear o potencial da equipe: 1- Ambiente colaborativo: Incentivar a troca de ideias entre equipes diferentes, resultando em soluções mais criativas. 2- Adoção de tecnologias emergentes: Utilizar IA para automatizar tarefas repetitivas, liberando mais tempo para a inovação. 3- Cultura de aprendizado contínuo: Investir em treinamentos para manter a equipe atualizada e aberta a novas ideias.
Encourage a culture of risk-taking to foster creativity and innovation among employees. Providing time and space for innovation in an organization is also necessary. For example, a sprint dedicated to Innovation projects.
I think many answers may be positive towards the collaboration of teams, however, the biggest challenge is not the lack of collaboration but rather capacity planning. Collaboration becomes a challenge in an environment with teams that are far stretched to ever get time for innovation. It is vital for organisation's to invest on human capacity, especially in the development of skills, by training, internships, learnerships. This gives teams an opportunity to reduce pressure of to interns as they train, and strategic thinking can kick in.
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