The second step is to consider the device diversity and the potential issues that may arise from it. You should aim to test your app on a variety of devices that cover different aspects, such as device type (smartphone, tablet, wearable, etc.), manufacturer (Samsung, Apple, Huawei, etc.), model (Galaxy S10, iPhone 12, etc.), OS platform (Android, iOS, Windows, etc.), OS version (Android 11, iOS 14, etc.), screen size (small, medium, large, etc.), resolution (HD, FHD, QHD, etc.), orientation (portrait, landscape), network connectivity (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, 5G), battery life (low, medium or high), hardware features (camera, GPS and accelerometer) and software features (notifications, permissions and settings). A mix of devices should be selected to reflect the diversity of your app's functionality and appearance. Tools like Google's Firebase Test Lab or Amazon's Device Farm can be used to access a range of real and virtual devices for testing.