What are the key components of a board development plan and how do you monitor and evaluate its progress?
A board development plan is a strategic tool that helps nonprofit organizations recruit, train, and retain effective board members who can advance their mission and vision. A well-designed plan can also enhance board performance, engagement, and accountability, as well as foster a culture of collaboration and diversity. But how do you create and implement a board development plan that works for your organization? And how do you measure and improve its outcomes? Here are some key components and tips to consider.
Tamara Wilkerson Dias, EdDHelping Nonprofit Leaders Increase Funding, Strengthen Boards & Build Sustainable Organizations | Author of Leading for…
Emilio PlanasStrategy, Strategic Thinking, Innovation, Sustainability, Circular Economy, Strategic Planning, Negotiation, Startups…
Melanie WhittakerCo-Founder @designation.one - Owner @Mindful Conversations - Mediator - Board Member; Cross-Border Thinker - the SG in…