Once you have a shortlist of scheduling software and tools that match your type and pain points, you should evaluate their features and benefits. When doing so, consider ease of use and accessibility, scalability and reliability, customization and flexibility, and communication and collaboration. The software or tool should be user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible from any device or location. It should also integrate with existing systems such as payroll, HR, or CRM. Additionally, it should be able to grow with your business and handle changes or fluctuations in your workforce or demand. Furthermore, it should be reliable, secure, compliant with industry standards and regulations, able to adapt to specific needs, goals, and preferences, accommodate different types of schedules such as fixed, rotating, or flexible, facilitate communication and collaboration among managers, employees, and customers as well as provide feedback notifications or alerts to keep everyone informed and engaged. Ultimately, you should evaluate the features and benefits of scheduling software and tools based on your expectations, requirements, and outcomes.