You're concerned about data security in AR systems. How do you address potential vulnerabilities?
Augmented Reality (AR) technology is revolutionizing the way you interact with the world, overlaying digital information onto the physical environment. However, as with any technology that deals with data, there are concerns about the security of AR systems. Understanding how to address these concerns is crucial to ensure that your personal information remains protected while enjoying the immersive experiences AR offers.
Ezequiel ZorzalSpecialist in Extended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Professor, Researcher, and Speaker | Innovation…
Arpita P.M.Eng in Mechatronics | Top LinkedIn Voice in Robotics & Programming | Expertise in Python, C++, ROS, & CAD Design |…
P. Biswanath PatraBuilding Virtual Try On Systems for Fashion Brands and 3D/AR/VR Applications for Businesses | Co-founder Twinverse 🥽|…