You’re in a philanthropy career and conflicts are inevitable. How can you de-escalate them effectively?
As a philanthropist, you are passionate about making a positive impact on the world. But sometimes, you may encounter conflicts with other stakeholders, such as donors, beneficiaries, partners, or colleagues. These conflicts can be stressful, frustrating, and detrimental to your goals and relationships. How can you de-escalate them effectively and preserve your integrity and reputation? Here are some tips to help you navigate the challenges of conflict resolution in your philanthropy career.
Wim Vander ZalmPresident Art Knapp; Canadian Best Selling Author "Just ask Wim"; Public Speaker; Private Investor;. Professional…
John SebbySenior Pastor at Wildwood Christian Church, Director of Development at MTM Ministries, Author, and Lyricist
Anslem Oshionebo, CPA, CFEAnslem Oshionebo is a fintech professional and entrepreneur.