68th Theater Medical Command’s cover photo
68th Theater Medical Command

68th Theater Medical Command

Armed Forces

The premier theater medical enabler supporting United States European Command and United States Army and Africa.

About us

Mission: Provides mission command, administrative assistance, and technical supervision of assigned and attached medical units. Vision: One team providing the foundation of readiness, synchronizing operational health service support throughout Europe and Africa. We are the theater medical enabler, integrating with the joint military-medical enterprise, NATO allies, and partners. Purpose: Support and enable USAREUR-AF operations, exercises, and partnerships as the theater enabling command for medical.  USAREUR-AF Supporting Lines of Efforts: - Medically Set the Theater - Present Combat-Credible Medical Forces - Transform the Medical Force - Increase Scale, Capability, and Interoperability of Medical Allied and Partnered Forces

Armed Forces
Company size
51-200 employees
Government Agency

Employees at 68th Theater Medical Command


  • On 19 February 2025, COL Tracy Michael conducted an AFN-Europe radio interview in Sembach, Germany. This was an opportunity to tell the story of the 68th TMC and inform the audience, which spans over 28 radio stations across Europe, on where the Pioneers are focusing their efforts on becoming a highly credible medical enabling force. P6 spoke about the priorities the unit will focus on that will be critical in supporting the USAREUR-AF Lines of Efforts and highlighted the exercises the 68th will participate in to build readiness across the formation. The time spent underpinned a great opportunity to highlight the progress and evolution of the newest theater medical command. We would like to thank the professionals at AFN Europe-Kaiserslautern for hosting the command team of the 68th TMC. Also, a big thanks to SrA Camerron Niewoehner, AKA “The Dandy Man” who interviewed COL Michael. Job well done. Your service and mission are vital to the military population in Europe. “CONSERVE POWER!”

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  • On 13 February, the Pioneers hosted Brigadier General Robert J. Ferry Jr., Special Assistant to the Director, Army National Guard for the Department of the Army - Office of the Surgeon General. BG Ferry met with members of 68 TMC, USAMMC-E, 30th MED BDE, and USAREUR-AF G4 (MEDLOG) to discuss current opportunities and challenges within the National Guard medical enterprise. Topics included medical logistics, state partnerships with European allies, and exercises. BG Ferry shared his thoughts on ways the 68th could benefit from enhancing their relationship not only with NATO, but partners in AFRICOM. Some key points included Subject Matter Expertise Exchanges and Global Health Engagements. Thank you for sharing your time, experience and knowledge with Team MED UR’AF. “CONSERVE POWER!”

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  • From 26-30 JAN, key staff from the Clinical Services section attended the Initial Planning Conference for the 32nd Multinational Military Medical Engagement (MMME). 68th TMC (OPR) and MRC-Europe (OCR) are leading U.S. event planning experts alongside our Portuguese Department of Military Medical Service hosts. The event will take place in Portugal later this year. The annual MMME strengthens international partnerships by fostering professional collaboration and improving interoperability in military medicine across NATO and partner nations. It provides a platform for medical experts to exchange insights, share lessons learned, and address common challenges.

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  • Leader Professional Development was on full display this week as Team PIONEERS discussed the topic "Leading Change While Designing a New Organization: Five Transformative Steps". At the conclusion of the training, all section leaders were charged with building ownership, sustaining momentum and providing enduring service to those we support as the premier theater medical enabler in the EUCOM and AFRICOM AORs. This final point was made with a quote from one of the most celebrated writers in the German language and a towering figure in Western intellectual history. “I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We, the leaders within the 68th TMC, are the decisive element! "CONSERVE POWER"

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  • On 20 December 2024, COL Michael and CSM Brunell conducted a town hall event as part of the inaugural PIONEERS Day. The venue provided Soldiers of the 68th a chance to have critical, two-way communication with the leadership on multiple topics such as Leadership Development Program, future readiness exercises, and the Defense Organizational Climate Survey. In addition, there was recognition of outstanding accomplishments of teammates which included graduations from Rappel Master and Air Assualt school, officer and enlisted promotions, and the publishing of a study in a medical journal. COL Michael amplified many important points throughout the event. From revisiting what it means to be a member of the US Army to embracing the charge of understanding the 68th TMC’s role in support of the warfighter, the PIONEERS overall mission was reinforced. At the conclusion of the town hall, P6 and P7 reiterated the significance of the holiday season and the imperative to think about safety in all we do. Also, to remember to be grateful of what we have and to offer others a lending hand in a time of need. From the 68th TMC family to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! “CONSERVE POWER!”

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  • The Pioneers conducted a 3-day Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) that moved the organization closer to meeting the future state of Optimized Readiness. The emphasis during the training event focused on the following areas: 1) Demonstrating mastery of Health Service Support (HSS) & Army Health System (AHS) fundamentals.  2) Maximizing available touchpoints to verify the HSS plan adheres to the AHS principle of conformity.  3) Ensuring the medical plan is synchronized with sustainment and supportable. 4) Building staff proficiencies that will assist the Commander with Command/Control and enabling mission command throughout all phases of the operations process. 5) Proactively communicating across echelons to ensure a successful medical support plan. Through the lenses of integration, organization, synchronization, visualization and communication, the team accomplished their mission with great pride, dedication, and professionalism.

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  • On 25 November 2024, 68th TMC conducted a Key Leader Engagement with leadership of the Multinational Medical Coordination Center - Europe (MMCC-E) in order to lay the foundation for expanded medical interoperability and subject matter expertise exchanges. MMCC-E is a multi-nationally manned institution supporting participating nations, both, NATO and European Union. Their charge is to strengthen the cooperation between the participating nations and pave the way for multinational solutions through burden sharing. MMCC-E offers a bridging function between, both, military and civilian NATO/EU medical stakeholders. COL Tracy Michael, and many of the 68th TMC senior staff, had the pleasure of hosting Brigadier General (Dr.) Rolf v. Uslar, MMCC-E Director, COL Jurgen Muntenaar, Deputy Director NATO Matters, and LTC Christian Hilleke, Branch Head Operations/Plans. Topics discussed included how both organizations can leverage each other's expertise with regards to exercises, testing and experimentation across a multitude of medical functional areas. Collaboration between the 68th TMC and MMCC-E will enhance responses to challenges that confront the Alliance and partnered nations in Competition, Crisis and Conflict. BG von Uslar and COL Michael both envision a strong and enduring relationship. "CONSERVE POWER"

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  • On 22 November, Soldiers and family members of the 68th TMC celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with a potluck luncheon. The Pioneers took time to give thanks for all blessings received throughout the year. The themes revolved around the “coming together” of the Army’s premier theater medical enabler. The sharing of smiles, delicious food and camaraderie was on full display. A message to all: The upcoming holiday season is a time to remember the Army family: Soldiers, Civilians, and Families. These heroes are a blessing to our nation. The U.S. remains grateful and indebted to you for your service and sacrifice. Thank you for what you do every day. Our people are the strength of our Army, and our Army is stronger with you in it. “CONSERVE POWER”

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  • The Pioneers celebrated many of their own today for exceptional dedication in support of two recent events. First, was the execution of key tasks during Sembach’s installation Force Protection exercise. Second, was the volunteer efforts during the post’s Halloween Trunk or Treat event. Thirteen Soldiers, and one spouse either received an Army award or Certificate of Appreciation for their efforts. Thank you for your service and congratulations! “CONSERVE POWER”

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