On 20 December 2024, COL Michael and CSM Brunell conducted a town hall event as part of the inaugural PIONEERS Day. The venue provided Soldiers of the 68th a chance to have critical, two-way communication with the leadership on multiple topics such as Leadership Development Program, future readiness exercises, and the Defense Organizational Climate Survey. In addition, there was recognition of outstanding accomplishments of teammates which included graduations from Rappel Master and Air Assualt school, officer and enlisted promotions, and the publishing of a study in a medical journal. COL Michael amplified many important points throughout the event. From revisiting what it means to be a member of the US Army to embracing the charge of understanding the 68th TMC’s role in support of the warfighter, the PIONEERS overall mission was reinforced. At the conclusion of the town hall, P6 and P7 reiterated the significance of the holiday season and the imperative to think about safety in all we do. Also, to remember to be grateful of what we have and to offer others a lending hand in a time of need. From the 68th TMC family to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! “CONSERVE POWER!”