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Al-Khawarizmi AI

Al-Khawarizmi AI

Higher Education

AI for Optimization and Digital Innovation in Various Fields

About us

is a Mauritanian artificial intelligence research team that focuses its studies on optimization and digital innovation in various sectors to address national and international issues such as food security, irrigation automation, healthcare, and more. This team collaborates with several international teams, universities, and laboratories in Morocco, Canada, Tunisia, and other countries

Higher Education
Company size
11-50 employees

Employees at Al-Khawarizmi AI


  • View profile for Cheikh Abdelkader Ahmed Telmoud

    PhD Student, Software Projects Manager and Team Lead, Data Scientist, and IA Engineer

    أعزائي، يسعدني أن أبلغكم أنني قد شاركت في المؤتمر الدولي الثالث الإلكتروني للعمليات على مدار الأيام الثلاثة الماضية. أتاحت لي هذه المشاركة حضور العديد من العروض القيمة وتعزيز معرفتي في مجالات مختلفة. كما شاركت بورقتين تتناولان استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي، وإنترنت الأشياء، وتحليل البيانات، والتوائم الرقمية لتعزيز استدامة وإنتاجية القطاع الزراعي. حسب معلوماتي، كانت هذه المشاركة الوحيدة من جامعة نواكشوط ومن موريتانيا. هذه هي مشاركتي: العنوان: التنبؤ بمحصول الأرز باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي وتحليل البيانات الكبيرة في الزراعة الكاتب: الشيخ عبد القادر أحمد تلمود الحدث: المؤتمر الدولي الثالث الإلكتروني للعمليات القسم: الأغذية الرابط: العنوان: نظام مراقبة باستخدام توأم رقمي ذكي قائم على إنترنت الأشياء للحصول على رؤى محسنة حول المناخ الزراعي الكاتب: الشيخ عبد القادر أحمد تلمود الحدث: المؤتمر الدولي الثالث الإلكتروني للعمليات القسم: التحكم والمراقبة الرابط: Dear Network, I am pleased to inform you that I have participated in The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Processes over the last three days. This participation allowed me to attend numerous valuable presentations and enhance my knowledge in different fields. I also participated with two papers that address the use of artificial intelligence, IoT, data analytics, and digital twins to enhance the sustainability and productivity of the agriculture sector. According to my knowledge, this participation was the only one from Nouakchott University and from Mauritania. Here are my two papers: Title: Harvesting Insights: AI-driven Rice Yield Predictions and Big Data Analytics in Agriculture Author: Cheikh Abdelkader Ahmed Telmoud Event: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Processes Section: Food Processes Link: Title: EcoSense: A Smart IoT-Based Digital Twin Monitoring System for Enhanced Farm Climate Insights Author: Cheikh Abdelkader Ahmed Telmoud Event: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Processes Section: Process Control and Monitoring link:

  • يسرنا في فريق الخوارزمي للذكاء الاصطناعي أن نطلعكم على مشاركة فريقنا بأربعة بحوث في أول مؤتمر للذكاء الاصطناعي وتطبيقاته في عصر التحول الرقمي المنظم من طرف كلية العلوم والتقنيات بجامعة أنواكشوط. We are proud that our research team, Al-Khawarizmi, has contributed four papers to the first International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications in the Age of Digital Transformation, held at the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Nouakchott University, Nouakchott, Mauritania, from April 23-25, 2024. The papers are as follows: 1. Title: Multitask learning for Arabic Dialects Identification and Machine Translation Authors: Mohamed Dhleima, Mohamedou Cheikh Tourad, Cheikh Abdelkader Ahmed Telmoud, Abdali Abdelmounaim, and Mohamedade Farouk Nanne 2. Title: Empowering Wallet Transactions: Advancing Finance Chatbot Technology in Mauritania Authors: Haddemine Sidi Yahya, Mohamedou Cheikh Tourad, Outfarouin Ahmad, and Mohamedade Farouk Nanne 3. Title: AI-Generated Fake Image Detection using Pre-trained CNN Models Authors: Lale El Mouna, Mohamedou Cheikh Tourad, Mohamedade Farouk Nanne, Hassan Silkan, and Youssef Hanyf 4. Title: Maximizing total net revenue for the Identical Parallel Machines Order Acceptance and Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times Authors: Eslemhoum Moustapha Hachimi, Mohamedou Cheikh Tourad, Med Yahya Medsalem, Ahmedou Haouba, Simon Thevenin, and Alexandre Dolgui

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  • Dear Network, We are very proud to announce the creation of the first Mauritanian research team in Artificial Intelligence. Al-Khawarizmi: AI for Optimization and Digital Innovation in Various Fields, is a Mauritanian artificial intelligence research team that focuses its studies on optimization and digital innovation in various sectors to address national and international issues such as food security, irrigation automation, healthcare, and more. This team collaborates with several international teams, universities, and laboratories in Morocco, Canada, Tunisia, and other countries. This team is established by its director, Mohamedou Cheikh Tourad, and its Coordinator, Cheikh Abdelkader Ahmed Telmoud.

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