"I need your help with something, and I don't want any lip about it." (part 2)
Last week, I wrote how in order to get help with technology from your gen z kids, you have to assert your dominance. Don’t let that ever-widening-at-blazing-speeds generational gap intimidate you.
Everyone will need to forge their own path to navigating this phenomenon. But here is what I’m doing...it may not close the generational gap, but it keeps me planted and growing in my space-time continuum, and invites these young’uns to join my party or move on along with their earbuds in their heads and their heads in their devices.
It’s this:
Do what you know, in the way that you know. Go deeper in the skills, talents, and abilities you have cultivated and don’t be distracted by the “new and shiny” of today.
In other words, have conviction about what you, who you do it for, and why you do it. And you'll find the people you are meant to serve… from any generation… will be naturally attracted to you.
Business law attorney, Ed Alexander who does excellent work in helping lawyers sell or exit their law firms, needed to break through the “I do contracts and legal agreements” marketing message. In the Brand Discovery, we dug down to what he really achieves for his clients. It was this: he helps them enjoy their life and their business. It’s what he himself has been doing his entire life. Now he captures that message in every issue of his print newsletter with pictures of his travels, his family, and his hobbies, as well as his success with his clients.
Then there is Zine client, John Crosby (Katy, TX), who has grown a successful commercial window treatment business. He recently completed a Brand Discovery Intensive where we discovered his passion is land stewardship…working on his property, taking care of the land, getting his hands in the dirt. The marketing plan we created incorporates this passion so he could expand the space where he talks about it, does more of it, and invites others to join him in whatever way it connects to them. I have a feeling he will be surprised at how many people this will resonate with.
Getting clarity about your purpose and your work. It will keep you focused on what matters, and make you magnetic to those you want to do life with.
Meanwhile, this week in Over The Hustle...
Loving: 15-30 minutes of Pilates every morning, first thing, still in my pajamas. I tried to skip it this morning to deal with other things, but somehow still ended up on my mat.
Learning: Dusting off my Farsi reading and writing skills. I love you, Google Translate.
Doing: Actually what I am NOT doing is cleaning my house. My cleaning lady is here today. I love her. Getting professional house cleaning is the BEST decision, BEST investment, BEST self-care, BEST everything ever. 'Cuz I gots better things to do.
#branddiscovery #lifepurpose #overthehustle