This is what you love to hear from your Clients! Thanks Michael Salmeron! We are glad to be on this journey together with you and your team! allucent Matt Guerena
I ❤️ when I walk construction projects and see the #schedule front and center in meeting rooms with #pullplanning, #weeklyworkplans, #constraints, etc. The #LastPlannerSystem encourages trade input and enhances coordination 🤝 between project team members. Noticeable results are not always in reduced durations, but also improved #Quality and increased #Profitability. Oh... and don't forget about: ✔ Lower stress ✔ Better mental health ✔ Improved team performance ✔ Having fun Learn more from the Lean Construction Institute (US) about the Last Panner System: AXA XL #RiskEngineering #KnowledgeSharing